Special Order APTWARE
The French Tangerine is your Aptware resource! Access to awesome at its finest... straight from France. With a few exceptions, adware is typically SPECIAL ORDER ONLY, and a minimum order is required.
Aptware is ordered directly from one of several vendors in Apt, France, and there is typically a long waitlist with wait times ranging from 8 weeks to 8 months! I have a few pieces in the shop ~ listed separately ~ for purchase. Here are many examples of aptware ~ some are from the past. Most of these items can still be ordered. The prices listed below are approximate.
Contact me by email to inquire about stock, lead time, and pricing. I am happy to assist you with your order. thefrenchtangerine@gmail.com
Aptware is a beautifully marbleized faience pottery, naturally inspired by the colored soils in Apt, a small town in France. I was overjoyed when I came across a skilled artisan and vendor residing in that region. I am thrilled to provide access to this highly specialized and sought-after product. However, it is considered a very special order. Keep in mind the delivery times may range anywhere from 8 weeks at certain times of the year and up to 8 months at other times. The images displayed here are samples of aptware I have seen when visiting the workshops. Please inquire with any questions!
Updated Pricing:
Dinner plate $220
Salad/Dessert Plate $185
Buffet/Presentation Plate $240
Platter $650
Pitcher $585
Teapot $565
Tureen $2225
Special Order APTWARE
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